beberapa taon terahir ini suka lagu regee ...
sbenernya, gag tau apa2 kok tentang jenis musik ini, cuma suka ndengerin lagunya steven and the coconut trees ato yg sekarang namanya steven jam..
awalnya gara2 sering denger lagu yang judulnya Bebas Merdeka yg dibawain pengamen di bus jurusan purwokerto-semarang ...
sering sekali denger tu pengamen nyanyi,,, asik lagunya menurutku..
trus cari2 tau tentang lagunya steven yang lain,,,
aku suka setiap liriknya yang simple,,, yg santai,,,
yah,,, kalo pusing ngadepin masalah (masalah hidup, masa depan, cinta, pertemanan, persahabatan, dll) ... suka dengerin lagu2 nya steven .... nikmat, asik, enak di denger, bikin santai, nyaman ... dll
yah meski skali lagi aku gag tau musik .... apalagi tentang regee ...
but, i enjoy to listen it ...
kek lagu ini juga,,, under the moonshine ....
You know that sometimes live is so complicated
but it really depends on how were gonna face it
someone always say that my live so fantastic
but you know thats bullshit
thank GOD i found, you out here
even when our live dont seems easy
we together and get high on good atmosphere
it make easier so much easier
and i feel alive again
just to be with you at this time
dancing with you under the moonshine
than were gonna have some good times
till we found ourselves satisfied